Friday, June 14, 2019

All fascists are Nazis. Discuss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

All fascists are Nazis. Discuss - Essay ExampleThe fascists are in favor of acquiring land and resources for a national cause. The acquisition of land and other(a) resources such as labour, capital, etc are the rights of the fascists to establish their dominance over other move of the world. The fascists conceive that the weaker territories and nations could be rightly displaced and captured for expanding the territories of their nation. The fascists demand the supremacy of the narrate as the highest consideration in their rule. Various fascist leaders such as Mussolini ceremonious their supremacy by following the ideology of supremacy of the state (Goldberg 2009, p. 68). The fascist leaders claimed undisputed control by following the principles in which allegiance to the state is the bottom line. The fascist approach brings an end to the class conflicts within the nation and integrates the masses with obedience to the state power. The fascists are proponents of mixed economy in which the common soldier business classes are also allowed to direct the economic progress. The fascists believe in a self-sufficient economy with the factors of production being sufficient to meet the demands of the economy. much(prenominal) an economy is called a closed economy. The fascists tend to promote a closed economy and building an economy that offers protection to the domestic industries. The protection of domestic industries shields them from conflicting competition and reduces the scope of drainage of national wealth. Due to national factors of production meeting the demands of the economy, the circular flow of money is restricted within the boundaries of the country that leads to an full growth of the national economy. The fascist policies lie in between the approaches of socialism and capitalism. Although fascism allows private capitalists to participate in the process of economic growth, the ideology of a fascist includes belligerent forms of nationalism with not much belief in the foreign factors of production. The fascists believe in militarism with the style of living being maintained on the army lines and discipline (Felice andLedeen 1976, p. 57). In the left-right spectrum, the position of the fascist lies in the extreme right position. The fascists are opponents of the views of socialism and communism. Nazism is a form of fascism that incorporates the beliefs and ideas of biological racism and anti-Semitism. The Nazis believe in the ideas of racial superiority and consider themselves as the most superior race in the world. The ideology of anti-Semitism held by the Nazis resembles hatred and opposition towards the Jews and the Jewish religion. The Nazism developed in Germany and spread to other places where movements were held by the Nazis before the Second World War. The Nazi ideology is an integral part of the national movements that were held in Germany in the era of post-World War I. In order to fight the dominance of communism and spread the territory of the national boundaries, the Germans who are the proponents of Nazism focussed on establishing a paramilitary force under the reign of Adolf Hitler. The Nazis believed that they are, by far, the most superior race in the world and had the policies of expanding their national boundaries by the acquisition of other weaker states (Grand 2004, p. 49). The growth of industries

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